Rapper Lil Nas X to Release Satan Themed Nike Air Max Shoes with Human Blood
Lil Nas X teamed up with MSCHF, a New York based creative arts company, to create his "Satan Shoes."
The shoes are made with pairs of Nike Air Max 97, which typically retail anywhere from $160-$220. They also filled the air bubble in the shoe with 60cc of red colored ink and shockingly a drop of human blood.
The rapper will be releasing a limited number of 666 sneakers, another level of satanic symbolism. They will be released March 29th at 11AM.

The sneaker eerily references Bible verse Luke 10:18-20 which states, "He replied, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.'"
The sneakers will cost an exorbitant price of $1,018 — a steep increase from the $200 retail value.
The rapper also recently released a music video for the song "Montero" which featured Satanic symbolism. The satanic music video was set in what looks like the Garden of Eden, where the rapper makes out with a half-man half-snake, and then slides down a stripper pole to hell.
Lil Nas X then sees Satan, and gives Lucifer a lap dance, but then kills the Devil by snapping his neck, then proceeding to put his crown on the rapper’s own head.
When criticized for the video the rapped tweeted that he, “made the decision to create the music video. i am an adult. i am not gonna spend my entire career trying to cater to your children. that is your job.”
Many have wondered if the rapper’s efforts are a publicity stunt aimed at diversifying the rapper’s fan base.
An NPR article released in January highlighted how the rapper’s fanbase trended on the younger side making the decision to release Satanic themed sneakers and music videos all the more puzzling.
Do you think the release of the Satan themed shoes is a sign of the downfall of American society? Do you think it’s just another publicity stunt? Do you care about Lil Nas X or other rappers? Comment your thoughts below!