Jennifer Aniston says she’s cutting ties with unvaccinated friends

The actress said she won’t associate with people who have not gotten vaccinated.

Liberals and the media have pushed people to ostracize family and friends over their personal decision to not take the COVID-19 vaccine, no matter the reason.

One person who has taken that advice to heart is liberal Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston.

“There’s still a large group of people who are anti-vaxxers or just don’t listen to the facts. It’s a real shame,” Aniston said in a recent magazine interview

She dismissed the variety of reasons individuals may have chosen not to take the vaccine, instead dismissing all people as buying into fear.

“It's tricky because everyone is entitled to their own opinion — but a lot of opinions don't feel based in anything except fear or propaganda,” Aniston said.

However, some people have had COVID and survived and have the antibodies. Others may have religious concerns because all the American vaccines have ties to aborted fetal tissues. 

Other people may have medical concerns about getting vaccinated.

While many conservatives have chosen to take the vaccine, they have not made a big deal about it. It’s a medical decision they made, likely after weighing their risks and benefits, and then they moved on with their lives.

They didn’t try to shame their friends and family who came to a different conclusion.

But with liberals, if you do not make the exact same decision as them, you have to be ostracized. That’s why former Planned Parenthood president Leana Wen has called on government and business authorities to make life hard for millions of Americans who have decided not to take the vaccine, for example.

Do you think everyone should mind their own business about the vaccine? Do you think we need to stop spreading fear about the Delta variant? Share your thoughts below!


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