Twitter Introduces 'Birdwatch' to Add Context to 'Misleading Information'

Twitter introduced a new watchdog feature to their platform on Monday called “Birdwatch,” a feature that would allow Twitter users to add “context” to tweets that they believe are misleading or factually incorrect.

“Today we’re introducing @Birdwatch, a community-driven approach to addressing misleading information. And we want your help,” announced Twitter.

“We’re looking for people to test this out in the US –– you can add notes with helpful context to Tweets that you think are misleading,” continued Twitter. “We'll use the notes and your feedback to help shape this program and learn how to reach our goal of letting the Twitter community decide when and what context is added to a Tweet.”

The current issue with this roll-out that has clear discrimination against conservatives are the guidelines on who can use Birdwatch. All users must not be recent violators of Twitter’s community guidelines and that currently affects the majority of Trump supporters who have supported President Trump during his election disputes.

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