Boston bans unvaccinated from gyms, bars, theaters, sports arenas, etc.

Boston’s left-wing mayor announced plans to implement a vaccine passport system that would ostracize people who have made the free will decision to not take the COVID vaccine.

“Vaccination is the most powerful tool we have to fight this pandemic,” said Mayor Wu when announcing her plans.

Democrats, harkening back to their segregationist days, have begun banning people from public places based on vaccination status.

The latest left-wing ideologue to do so is far-left Boston Mayor Michelle Wu who announced plans to institute a vaccine passport system that would ban people from indoor public places like the gym and sporting arenas.

“Proof of vaccination against coronavirus will be required to enter city bars, restaurants, gyms, theaters and sports venues under a new mandate announced by Mayor Michelle Wu during a raucous press conference,” the Boston Herald reported.

Wu’s ban on unvaccinated people puts her at odds with former interim Mayor Kim Janey who rightly compared vaccine passport systems to Jim Crow racist laws from the 1950s.

Protesters who attended Wu’s announcement shouted “USA!” and sang the National Anthem, Wu replied to them by stating, “There is nothing more American than coming together to ensure that we are taking care of each other.”

Should Boston citizens file a federal discrimination lawsuit against Michelle Wu? Should she apologize and retract this policy? Let us know below!


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