NFL Gets BLASTED For Opening Games With “Black National Anthem”

The NFL is facing backlash once again for using their platform to make political statements, this time playing the “Black National Anthem” before games.

HBO Host Bill Maher called out the NFL’s actions to play the song Lift Every Voice commonly known as the ‘Black National Anthem’ before games.

"I saw last night on the football game, Alicia Keys sang Lift Every Voice and Sing, which now I hear is called the Black national anthem.”

“Now, maybe we should get rid of our national anthem, but I think we should have one national anthem. I think when you go down a road where you're having two different national anthems, colleges sometimes now have — many of them have — different graduation ceremonies for Black and White, separate dorms, this is what I mean.”

“Segregation! You've inverted the idea. We're going back to that under a different name."

Mediaite reported Megyn Kelly slammed the NFL for their divisive race based decision on her show.

“I don’t think that the average American – Black or White – wants to hear the Black national anthem before they hear the national anthem…and it’s no offense against people of color, we’re one country, we don’t need separate anthems.”

Best-Selling Author and Trump Appointee Nick Adams tweeted, “time to change the channel” as the “black” national anthem played on Thursday night.

Congressional candidate Lavern Spicer asked, “What’s more racist than Black people needing their own national anthem in a country where race isn’t supposed to matter?”

The attention was drawn to the anthem being played on Thursday night where the song was broadcast on live television.

Do you think the NFL has gone too far? Is the NFL too involved in politics? Are you boycotting the NFL for being woke? Comment your thoughts below!


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