NBA Finals ratings tank as league embraces woke cancel culture

US TV viewers appear to be losing interest in the NBA, as its players and teams embrace Black Lives Matter and liberalism.

The NBA, and its players, including LeBron James, can post ignorant statement after ignorant statement, but no one has to watch the finals.

That’s what the organization should conclude from the latest TV ratings.

“Game 1 of the 2021 NBA Finals averaged 8.56 million viewers on ABC, a 35% collapse from Game 1 in 2019,” reported.

“Game 1 is down 50% from Game 1 of the 2018 NBA Finals. Might be noteworthy,” Bobby Burack said, criticizing NBA supporters who denied last year that the ratings drop represented anything significant.

“NBA Finals ratings are a disaster. Again. Down over 50% from two years ago. Barely up from the bubble last year,” Clay Travis said. “The two worst years of ratings nearly of all time. The NBA has destroyed their brand with politics.”

“In 2018, NBA finals games had more than 17 million viewers. Now, they get just a fraction of that. When compared to college football and the NFL, the NBA is getting absolutely destroyed,” the Daily Caller added.

Have you watched an NBA game this season? Do you think its politics are ruining the ratings? Let us know below!


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