WOW: Hunter Biden Used Racial Slurs, Mocked God in Text Messages to Attorney

The revelation is a big blow to President Joe Biden, who has pushed a left-wing racial agenda.

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, used a number of racial slurs in conversations with his attorney. He also appears to mock people of faith in his text messages.

“The president's son, 51, flippantly addressed corporate attorney George Mesires, who is white, by the racial slur, with phrases including 'true dat n***a,’” the Daily Mail reported.

Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in conversation with his white, $845-per-hour lawyer, his texts messages reveal,” the right-leaning British publication reported.

Other messages appear to show Biden, the son of pro-abortion yet self-proclaimed “devout Catholic” Joe Biden, mocking the idea that God exists.

His attorney, Chicago-based George Mesires, tells Hunter that “God loves unconditionally. Beau [Biden, Hunter’s deceased brother] loves unconditionally” and Hunter’s kids love him.

“OMG [racial slur] did you just [use] a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers [sic] unconditional love is what I should rely on,” Hunter tells his attorney.

“The bill, which included 'teleconferences with H. Biden regarding Hudson West', Hunter's joint venture with the Chinese, totaled $88,465, for 107 hours work from August 2017 to April 2018,” the publication said.

Should Joe Biden apologize for his son’s racist comments? Should Hunter Biden face consequences for his insensitivity? Share your thoughts below!

Photo credit: CBS Sunday Morning/YouTube


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