Woke ‘West Side Story’ remake tanks at box office

Hollywood liberals are getting lazy and regurgitating once-good movies with progressive undertones.

Hollywood continues to stay in its bubble and create movies that no one wants to watch. The latest example is the failure of the remake of “West Side Story.

West Side Story cost $100 million to produce and probably as much to promote,” Breitbart reported. Yet, “Director Steven Spielberg’s woke West Side Story remake is a box office catastrophe expected to open in the $10 million range.” That estimate turned out to be correct.

The Los Angeles Times has run interference for the flop.

“Spielberg tried to save 'West Side Story.' But its history makes it unsalvageable,” an LA Times opinion piece said. The writer blamed it on “cultural appropriation” in the original film.

Do you think this movie will be good? Do you wish Hollywood would turn down the political agenda in its movies? Let us know below!


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