WATCH: Jim Acosta asks Trump if he plans to “apologize” for January 6th while visiting border

President Donald J Trump traveled to the US-Mexico border Wednesday with Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

CNN’s Jim Acosta was on the scene, but it wasn't the border Acosta was concerned about, it was Trump's opinion on the January 6th events at the US Capitol.

"Trump, will you apologize about January 6?" Acosta yelled over the sound of applause at the end of Trump's speech.

Footage of the encounter quickly traveled across Twitter.

The crowd instantly booed Acosta for his ridiculous and off topic question.

“At border event with Trump and Abbott I asked Trump if he’s going to apologize for January 6. He did not respond. Crowd of mostly GOP members and staff booed,” Acosta tweeted out unironically.

CNN’s Jim Acosta and President Trump have had a contentious relationship since his run for President in 2015. With CNN’s ratings currently tanking across all shows, it’s not surprising to see their White House correspondent leave Washington, DC to track former President Trump to the border in hopes of earning better ratings for his struggling employer.

Is Jim Acosta a fake news journalist? Does anyone care what he has to say? Should CNN go out of business? Comment your thoughts below!


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