WATCH: Bill de Blasio Dances in Times Square After Banning New Yorkers

New Years Eve in Times Square was a memorable one for Mayor Bill de Blasio as he danced with his wife in a nearly empty Times Square before midnight.

The New York City Mayor placed a ban on people from attending celebrations in Times Square due to COVID-19 restrictions, typically hundreds of thousands of people gather in Times Square. However the ban did not stop Mayor de Blasio and his wife from dancing in Times Square themselves.

The Mayor brazenly tweeted out footage of his wife and him dancing in Times Square only to be instantly berated by angry New Yorkers and Americans alike.

Some of the most popular reactions on Twitter to Mayor de Blasio’s ridiculous and tone deaf display in Times Square are embedded below.

While 2021 is here, the Democrats in office do not appear to have changed at all. I wouldn’t be expecting an apology from Mayor de Blasio anytime soon.


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