Two More Women Come Forward Accusing Governor Cuomo of Inappropriate Behavior

Two more women have come forward against New York Governor Cuomo (D) of accusing the embattled Governor of inappropriate sexual behavior towards them.

Former Cuomo aid, Ana Liss says that the once popular New York Governor left her feeling like she was ‘just a skirt’ after working for Cuomo.

A former press aide, Karen Hinton, accused Andrew Cuomo of pursuing her in a Los Angeles hotel room in December of 2000.

Hinton said the then leader of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development tightly embraced her for a “very long, too long, too tight, too intimate” embrace.

Interestingly enough, Hinton’s husband Howard Glaser, is a longtime Cuomo ally and previously worked in Cuomo’s administration up until 2014.

Ana Liss was a policy aid who worked for Governor Cuomo from 2013-2015. Liss claims the Governor called her “sweetheart” and would ask if she was in a committed relationship.

Liss even went so far as to accuse the NY Governor of touching her lower back and even kissing her hand. Liss is the third former employee of Cuomo’s to accuse the governor.

Five women have now accused New York Governor Andrew Cuomo of varying degrees of inappropriate sexually driven behavior towards young women.

  • Charlotte Bennett, former Cuomo aid

  • Lindsey Boylan, former Cuomo aid

  • Ana Liss, former Cuomo aid

  • Ana Ruch, pursued at wedding

  • Karen Hinton, former press aid

Cuomo’s spokesperson Peter Ajemian stated the following about Hinton, “Karen Hinton is a known antagonist of the Governor’s who is attempting to take advantage of this moment to score cheap points with made up allegations from 21 years ago,”

“All women have the right to come forward and tell their story,” Ajemian added while remaining adamant that Hinton’s claims were ‘reckless.’

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office is currently under investigation for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic with regards to nursing home deaths. In addition there are increasing calls across New York for Cuomo to resign.

Do you believe Hinton and Liss’ accusations against Governor Cuomo? Should Cuomo resign from office? Comment your thoughts below!

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