Thousands of migrants gather under bridge in Texas

President Biden has withdrawn border security measures -- and illegal migrants continue to flood into our country.

Video has shown thousands of migrants, likely illegal, gathering together in Texas under a bridge. This is as the immigration crisis continues to worsen, and the Biden administration begins to bring in nearly 100,000 Afghan refugees.

“Border Patrol and law enforcement sources told Fox News that over 4,200 migrants are waiting to be apprehended under the bridge after crossing into the United States,” Fox News reported. Just today, the number has ballooned to more than 8,000.

“A DHS source told Fox News that there were 208,887 encounters in August. While it marks the first decrease in migrant encounters seen under the Biden administration, during which migrant encounters have been sharply rising for months, it is only a 2% drop over the more than 212,000 encounters in July,” Fox News said.

“The Biden administration has faced intense criticism for its handling of the crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border, which Republicans have blamed on Biden policies like the rollback of Trump-era policies like the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP),” Fox News noted.

Do you think we need a complete shutdown of our border? Do we need to start mass deportations? Let us know below!


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