REPORT: 100,000 migrant ‘got-aways’ since October claims Border Patrol

The Biden administration policies have enabled thousands of illegal migrants to flood our country with potential to stay here indefinitely.

The White House’s weak stance on border protection has enabled an estimated 100,000 migrant “got-aways” since October.

“Border Patrol agents estimate more than 100,000 known migrant got-aways since the fiscal year began in October,” Breitbart reported. “A source operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, speaking on the condition of anonymity, says the agency recorded 47,500 got-a-ways during the month of October.”

“The routine patrol of many areas along the southwest border has been a source of concern for many as the Border Patrol is relegated to processing, transporting, and providing transportation for thousands of migrants apprehended daily,” Breitbart reported.

Do you think we need immediate deportation of all illegal immigrants? Do we need to build a big wall on the border? Let us know below!


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