Penn State Professor Assigns Paper Asking Students to Explain Why The “Taliban Are Not Terrorists”

Liberal college campuses frequently push an anti-American agenda and then claim “academic freedom.”

A Penn State course is facing scrutiny after it asked students to write a paper in defense of the murderous terrorist organization the Taliban.

ACT for America founder and national security expert Brigitte Gabriel challenged Penn State to explain why.

“I was completely shocked. I had made it through my first four years of college without having anything this insane and, of course, my last semester my teacher basically says you have to agree with me or I’m going to fail you. So it was very surprising to me,” Penn State student Kylie Stone told Fox News.

“Any attempt to avoid this prompt as written; or trying to argue otherwise will result in a failing grade. If you have any questions on the pedagogy behind this assignment– please contact me,” Professor Chris Cook said.

It’s reported the professor was on Twitter expressing far-left views, however Professor Cook has since deleted his account.

Should the FBI investigate Professor Cook? Do you think Penn State should fire him? Let us know below!


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