Oklahoma Representative Compares Black Lives Matter to the KKK

While discussing House Bill 1775, Representative Justin Humphrey compared the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) movement.

House Bill 1775 would prohibit state colleges and universities from requiring gender or sexual diversity training or counseling and would prohibit teachers from incorporating certain messages about sex and race in course instruction.

When given the microphone, Representative Humphrey first spoke about the Civil War and how what sets America apart from other nations is that we fought an entire war to make sure we all had equal rights.

Humphrey then mentioned the KKK and how the group was notorious for destruction and threats.

Humphrey then asked fellow Rep. West, “Would you agree that when people burn, threaten, kill, intimidate that they are a terrorist group and that Black Lives Matter meets that same description.”

Rep. West agreed with Rep. Humphrey.

A gasp was heard from many left-wing representatives after Rep. Humphrey’s comment were made.

Rep. Emily Virgin, a leftist member from the college town Norman, reminded Representatives that profane, obscene, or indecent language is prohibited in the house.

Rep. Humphrey apologized for using profane language but not for his comment comparing the Black Lives Matter Movement to the KKK.

Do you agree with Humphrey? Is Black Lives Matter similar to the KKK? Comment your thoughts below!


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