Ohio City Bans Abortion, Becomes “Sanctuary City for the Unborn”

After a meeting full of emotionally charged public testimony, the Lebanon, Ohio city council voted to become the first city in the state to ban abortions within city limits.

The city of roughly 20,000 just north of Cincinnati declared itself a “sanctuary city for the unborn,” earning the praise of pro-life groups.

The vote was unanimous despite heavy pressure from pro-abortion groups, after one member of council resigned in protest before the vote was held.

"We are clearly saying in our community we do not think it is in our best interest to open a clinic or a hospital that does abortions. We are elected to make decisions based on what's good for our community today,” said Mayor Amy Brewer.

Leftist organizations are expected to mount legal challenges to the new ordinance.

Do you think more cities should ban abortion? Would you support this legislation in your town? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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