New York Times Guest Essay Claims Non-Americans SHOULD be allowed to vote
The essay said that foreign nationals should get a say in who runs our country.
The left is continuing its push to open up elections to foreign nationals, even though only Americans are supposed to elect their leaders.
“Considering the Supreme Court’s recent decision undermining voting rights, and Republicans’ efforts to suppress, redistrict and manipulate their way to electoral security, it’s time for Democrats to radically expand the electorate,” Swiss citizen Atossa Araxia Abrahamian wrote in the New York Times.
“She called on lawmakers in Washington and state capitals across the country to lift voting restrictions on legal residents who aren't American citizens, including green card holders, those on work visas, as well as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients,” Fox News noted.
Meanwhile, Congress is considering granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants who broke our laws, people likely to vote for far-left, socialist politicians.
Do you think the world should pick our president? Should Americans get to pick the next president of Uganda or Italy? Share your thoughts below!