MUST SEE: Migrants At Border Demand Joe Biden Let Them Cross

Foreign nationals gathered at the US-Mexico border this week to demand entrance into the United States. Joe Biden’s immigration policies have released thousands of migrants into the country since taking office.

T-shirts with Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign logo read the words “Please let us in!” the group of foreign nationals held signs that read “Biden — please let me enter”.

The protestors have demanded answers from Joe Biden who has remained mostly silent on the issues at the southern border.

See migrants in Biden campaign shirts requesting access to the United States. According to interviews these migrants are said to be from Mexico, Haiti, Cuba and Central America.


(GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP via Getty Images)

New York Times Best Selling Author and Conservative commentator Brigitte Gabriel shared a video on her twitter asking “Who is funding these photo ops?”.

At CPAC President Donald Trump spoke out harshly against the Biden Administration’s handling of the crisis on the southern border.

Former White House Chief of Staff and Congressman Mark Meadows sounded off on Joe Biden, accusing the president of creating his own crisis.

The Biden Administration restarted the controversial “Catch and Release” program which releases those who cross the border illegally into the United States, rather than detaining them and returning them to their home country.

Do you believe there is a crisis on the southern border? Should Joe Biden be held accountable? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

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