MSNBC Host Claims “Let’s Go Brandon” is part of a “slow-motion insurrection”

MSNBC host Nicole Wallace is now claiming that the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” is part of a “slow-moving insurrection” taking place in America right now.

“Let’s Go Brandon” is a euphemism for “F**k Joe Biden” that is commonly used in conservative circles and chanted at professional sporting events. Now the mainstream media and Democrat operatives are trying to stop the phrase from spreading.

Recently during a NORAD Santa call segment featuring Joe Biden, a dad used the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” directed at Biden — he embarrassingly replied with, “I agree.”

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace angrily responded to the incident by claiming that the phrase is part of a “slow-motion insurrection.”

Former Jeb Bush aide-turned-MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace said:

So I just want to make that clear. Um but, Let's go Brandon is more than just “F Joe Biden”. Let’s go Brandon is, it encompasses the entirety of our frustration with Joe Biden, the administration, the leftist mob, the cancel culture, the mainstream media. They are the ones who made this a thing. And we’re, we’re able, as conservatives, we are able to find humor in this. But there is terrible things going on.

Should Wallace apologize for her comments? Should she be fired from MSNBC? Do you watch cable news anymore? Let us know below!


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