Maxine Waters says border patrol agents are worse than slave owners

Congresswoman Waters, who has previously called for her supporters to harass Republicans, criticized border agents for using reins on horses.

The far-left and the media has concocted a new fake news story: That border patrol agents are whipping Haitian migrants. In reality, agents use reins to control horses.

Never one to shy from pushing a far-left, untrue agenda, left-wing California Congresswoman Maxine Waters recently made the following statement:

They are trying to bring us back to slavery days and worse than that.

“Congressman Maxine Waters just said that border patrol agents trying to restrict illegal immigrants from illegally entering our country was worse than slavery,” Clay Travis reported.

Do you think Congresswoman Waters lies or is she just ignorant? Do you think our brave Border Patrol agents are owed an apology? Let us know what you think below!


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