Majority of Voters Say the Media is the “Enemy of the People”

The poll comes as Americans’ trust in the mainstream media’s credibility is at all-time lows.

The media has lost the people’s trust over the past decades, as it has decided to push a liberal agenda instead of just reporting the facts.

Remember how it pushed the fake news story that Trump had denigrated deceased veterans? Or how it pushed a fake Russia collusion hoax narrative? Or how it covered up Hunter Biden’s questionable activities in Ukraine?

Those are just a few of the recent stories and reasons why a recent poll shows a major lack of trust in the media.

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, “76% of Republicans agree with the ‘enemy of the people’ phrase in describing the media.”

But it’s not just Republicans. 

In fact, “37% of Democrats agree with the phrase” and so do “61% of independents agree with the phrase.”

A majority of all voters, 58%, agreed that the media is the enemy of the people -- additionally, “54% believe that most reporters who write or talk about President Joe Biden are attempting to help him pass his agenda.”

Do you believe the media is the “enemy of the people”? Do you think the media reports the news or wants to push a specific narrative? Share your thoughts below!


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