Liz Cheney Censured By Wyoming County Republican Party For Impeachment Vote

According to a report the Lynnwood Times, Rep. Liz Cheney is now being rebuked by her home state of Wyoming as the Republican Central Committee of Carbon County voted unanimously 45-0 to censure her for her impeachment vote of President Trump.

“The Carbon County Republican Party does hereby censure U.S. Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming for her actions on Wednesday, January 13tn 2020, as those actions stand in contradiction to the quantifiable will of the majority of the electorate of Wyoming, and for devaluing the political influence of the State of Wyoming by voting in favor of a process that followed no known hearing process, provided no evidence to consider, called no witnesses to be sworn, and allowed none of the accusers to be questioned by the accused…” wrote the committee in a statement.

Below is a portion of the statement that the committee released as reported by the Lynwood Times:

Considering the overwhelming interest in this issue the Wyoming Republican Party leadership felt that it was important to share with Representative Cheney the nature of the comments and outcry we have received.

By announcing her decision to vote for impeachment, Representative Cheney denied President Trump due process; she judged the “evidence” before it was presented and refused to listen to the arguments made.

Wyoming voted for the reelection of President Trump by a margin of 70% to 30%. 195,000 Wyomingites voted for President Trump. Representative Cheney is in Washington, DC to represent Wyoming’s interest, not the interest of the beltway elites.

President Trump did not incite anyone to riot. Read the transcript of what he said and watch the video.

We have watched the leftists and progressives in this country riot, burn, kill, maim, loot and destroy cities and communities for 7 months, often with Democrat leaders egging them on, bailing them out and refusing to condemn their actions.

Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the “worst thing ever in our history” (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda.

The Democrats are using this to smear the entire conservative movement and all Republicans. By voting to impeach, Representative Cheney is helping them in that effort.

Wyoming’s way of life and our entire economic future is under attack. We count on our elected officials to protect us. This move to impeach President Trump shows that we have a real reason to fear what is going to happen under the Biden administration.

This move to impeach President Trump makes it that much more difficult for our country to solve the serious problems we have, including Chinese and Iranian aggression, our overwhelming debt, and the catastrophic response to covid19.

These are only some of the themes of the comments we have received. We as a Party respect our elected officials and assume that they will respect and represent their constituents. We are receiving the message loud and clear that what happened yesterday is a true travesty for Wyoming and the country.”

Cheney was among the ten Republicans who voted to impeach Trump for “incitement of insurrection.

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