WATCH: CNN’s Don Lemon & Cuomo Defend AOC: The Threat “Doesn’t Have to be Real”

CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon defended Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on Thursday after reports came out that she had not been anywhere near the rioters who stormed the Capitol building last month.

“The story I was telling you about is when I got blown up in Iraq with my cameraman with the military police south of Baghdad. Here is my point. You go after AOC for her fear, saying it was illegitimate. She was in the adjacent building. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. She was running. She heard people saying, where is she, where is she? She didn’t know who those people were,” said Cuomo.

You can watch the news segment below:

“I’m glad you said that. I have been watching, you know, watching state media and listening to conservative media because I want to hear the other side. I was like, I don’t understand why this is a story. How is she supposed to know who is on the other side of the door? How was she supposed to know how many people were on the other side of the door? It has nothing to do with anything AOC or whatever,” replied Lemon.

“They’re going after one of the Democrats because the Democrats are going after one of theirs. Mr. Noise Pollution over there at state TV and the others they want to frame the Democrats for January 6th. They’ve been leaking it out all these different ways that there’s an untold story, that this was a setup. It’s all BS, and it’s their toxicity. You heard Katie Porter say AOC was freaked out. Let me tell you, I lived a situation like that, and it doesn’t have to be real, the threat, for you to believe it’s imminent and real,” said Cuomo.

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