Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Introduces New Bills To resist Biden's Executive Orders

Freshman Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced three bills last week attempting to overturn some of President Biden’s executive orders that he signed on his first day in office. Eleven Representatives have co-sponsored Boeberts bills.

“I introduced 3 bills this week:

1. A bill to prevent funding for the Paris Accord.

2. A bill to halt funding to the WHO until we hold them accountable for their role in COVID.

3. A bill to overturn Biden’s Mask mandate.

Biden can try to ruin our country, but I will push back,” tweeted Boebert on Sunday.

Boebert also released a tweet explaining her reasoning for standing against funding for the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Had the WHO not taken China at their word, COVID-19 would never have spiraled so deeply out of control. The WHO is beholden to China and American taxpayers should not be sending them nearly a half a billion dollars each year,” tweeted Boebert.

Boebert also called Biden out for caring more about his standing with international leaders than taking care of his own citizens.

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