Kevin McCarthy promises to strip Ilhan Omar of all committees if GOP wins back the House in 2022

Omar is a far-left politician who pushes an anti-Israel and anti-cop agenda.

California Republican Kevin McCarthy promised that if Republicans win the House in 2022, far-left Ilhan Omar will be kept off of committees.

Omar has pushed an anti-police and anti-Israel agenda, since entering the U.S. House in 2019. A refugee from Somalia, she regularly bashes the country that welcomed her and her family in and saved them from almost definite poverty and war.

“I will promise you this: If we are fortunate enough to have the majority, Omar would not be serving on Foreign Affairs [Committee] or anybody that has an anti-semitic, anti-American view,” McCarthy said during a recent interview.

In 2021, Democrats stripped Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments for past statements she had made. Democrats have remained largely silent about Omar’s frequent anti-Semitic statements.

“More than 200 rabbis have joined the call to oust Rep. Ilhan Omar from her seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, telling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that her lack of response demonstrates the Democratic Party’s tolerance of hatred against Jewish people,” the Washington Times reported.

Do you agree with Kevin McCarthy? Do you think Ilhan Omar needs to apologize for all her past anti-Semitic statements? Share your thoughts below!


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