Ilhan Omar introducing guaranteed income bill, would send $1,200 monthly to most Americans

The far-left Congresswoman wants to establish a permanent welfare program that pays people monthly.

“Squad” member Ilhan Omar has the newest welfare program supported by the far-left.

The SUPPORT Act, “would create a guaranteed income program in the U.S. to send $1,200 a month directly to most Americans,” according to the Huffington Post. The legislation will be introduced on Friday, but is not yet available online.

HuffPo reported:

The national guaranteed income program would start in 2028, sending $1,200 per month to adults making up to $75,000 per year, or heads of household making up to $112,500 per year, as well as providing $600 monthly per child. The payments would phase out for higher incomes.

Illegal immigrants would be able to cash in on the welfare program, too.

“Importantly, undocumented people who file taxes with an ITIN number would be eligible,” HuffPo reported.

Do you think we need to cut spending? Should American citizens pay higher taxes so illegal immigrants can get paid? Let us know your thoughts below!


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