Hunter Biden to Teach College Class on “Fake News” This Fall

The embattled son of President Joe Biden will guest lecture for Tulane University’s “Media Polarization and Public Policy Impacts” course.

Hunter Biden is better known for his ties to corruption in eastern Europe and his crack habit than he is for his knowledge or expertise in journalism, but that didn’t dissuade Tulane University!

The high-level class will focus on “the current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news and the economics of the new business impact public policymaking in Washington D.C.” according to Fox News.

Many were quick to question the bizarre inclusion of someone with no relevant experience on the subject matter. Tulane has yet to respond to the criticism.

“Hunter Biden lecturing a class on fake news is like Harvey Weinstein teaching a course to prevent sexual harassment. It shouldn't be happening. Period.” said conservative filmmaker Phelim McAleer, director of ‘My Son Hunter’

Other guest lecturers for the course include Fox News contributor Juan Williams and former White House COVID Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx.

Should Hunter face criminal charges? Is the Biden family playing under a different set of rules? Comment your thoughts below!


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