GOP House Rep Introduces Resolution to Boycott 2022 Olympics in Beijing

The resolution pushed by House Republican Mike Waltz (R-FL) states it ‘would be immoral, unethical and wrong’ for US to participate in the 2022 games due to China’s violations of human rights.

Rep Mike Waltz introduced a resolution urging the U.S. to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing if they are not moved, because the U.S. “cannot in good conscience” have American athletes celebrating an event hosted by “a brutal dictatorship”.

The resolution urges the following:

1. Recognition, celebration and support for the commitment, dedication, and patriotism of the 2022 United States Winter Olympics Team athletes, coaches, trainers, and staff.

2. That the United States Olympic Committee propose the transfer of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games to a site other than within the People’s Republic of China.

3. That the International Olympic Committee (IOC) should transfer the 2022 Winter Olympic games to a site other than within the People’s Republic of China.
4. That, if the International Olympic Committee rejects such a proposal, the United States Olympic Committee and the Olympic Committees of other countries should withdraw from the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

5. The Secretary of State is requested to transmit a copy of this resolution to the government of each country that is represented on the International Olympic Committee.

"The world cannot legitimize the CCP’s acts of genocide in Xinjiang, destruction of the democratic rights of Hong Kong, and dangerous suppression of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan that cost lives by sending delegations to Beijing" Rep Waltz said.

There is some precedent for such actions as The International Hockey Federation recently pulled its 2021 championship series out of Belarus as a result of the country’s human rights infractions.

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