Half Of House GOP Supports Removing Liz Cheney From Leadership Position

According to a report by The Hill, half of the GOP representatives want Liz Cheney removed from her leadership in the House. If voted upon, Cheney’s future in leadership would be considered in a secret ballot cast by members of the House.

Freedom Caucus Chair Andy Biggs (R-AZ) was among those who called for her to step down immediately after she announced her vote for impeachment. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) also made it public that he wants her to step down, saying in a tweet “Liz Cheney has departed from the positive populism that energizes the America First movement.”

The GOP party in Carbon County, Wyoming voted unanimously in a 45-0 vote to censure Liz Cheney and released a statement explaining their vote. Part of the statement read “Representative Cheney has violated the trust of her voters, failed to faithfully represent a very large majority of motivated Wyoming voters, and neglected her duty to represent the party and the will of the people who elected her to represent them.”

Representatives Lee Zeldin and Elise Stefanik are being considered to replace Cheney in her role.

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