Haitian migrants assault ICE agents and pilots on deportation flights

President Joe Biden and left-wing Democrat border policies have allowed the flood of immigrants who do not respect our country or laws.

Haitian immigrants have been attacking ICE officials, raising further concerns about why left-wing Democrats want to flood the country with migrants who do not appear to care about our country and the dignity of human beings.

“Haitian illegal immigrants being deported from the US have bitten and attacked Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers on board planes in a bid to halt their return to the Caribbean nation, according to reports,” the New York Post reported.

“Some pilots have also been assaulted in a series of incidents this week as the US conducts deportation flights to Haiti after nearly 15,000 migrants — mostly Haitians — settled under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, after illegally crossing the border,” the New York Post reported.

The Washington Examiner has also reported that two Haitian migrants bit ICE officials.

“Federal assault charges will be brought against two Haitian migrants after they bit federal law enforcement officials on board a deportation flight when the plane was taxiing to the runway,” the Examiner reported.

This news is not good for the open-borders crowd, who try to convince Americans that all refugees and illegal migrants are hardworking people who want to just own a house and work a job.

Instead, many times refugees bring in backward, dangerous cultures.

In addition to the Haitians, President Biden has also ordered the importation of nearly 100,000 Afghan refugees. 

And that’s not going well.

“Two Afghan evacuees who were living at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin have been arrested in unrelated cases. One was charged with crimes against minors, the other with assaulting his wife, the Justice Department announced Wednesday,” according to military.com

Do you think we need to start mass deportations of all refugees and illegal migrants? Do you think the Department of Homeland Security is keeping us safe? Share your thoughts below!


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