Former White House doctor predicts Biden may have to resign due to cognitive decline

Congressman Ronny Jackson previously served as the White House physician.

President Joe Biden is experiencing significant cognitive decline and his mental capabilities may lead him to resign from the presidency.

That is the prediction of Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, who previously served in the Navy and as physician to both Presidents Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump.

“I was saying this when he was candidate Joe Biden, and I've been saying that it's only going to get worse, and guess what. We're watching that happen right before our eyes right now” Jackson told Sean Hannity. The Fox News host had asked Jackson to respond to the assertion that Biden would not do well on a cognitive test.

Jackson circulated a letter in June that asked Biden to take a cognitive test.

President Biden has repeatedly appeared stuck on words, lost his train of thought, or has otherwise appeared confused as to what he is talking about.

Do you think Joe Biden should take a cognitive test? Is Kamala Harris fit to be president? Share your thoughts below!


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