Five Texas Democrats have tested positive for COVID after fleeing state for DC PR stunt

The Texas state legislators refused to do their job and instead fled to DC to meet with VP Kamala Harris and go on cable television.

Five Texas Democrats who skipped work to protest an election integrity bill have now tested positive for coronavirus.

“More than 50 Texas lawmakers traveled to Washington on Monday aboard a private charter flight,” the Associated Press reported.  “A caucus official has said all had been vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says ‘breakthrough’ infections — vaccinated people becoming infected — are rare.”

Former Senator Kamala Harris has refused to get tested.

“After some of the lawmakers tested positive for the virus, Harris’ spokesperson said Saturday that Harris and her staff were not at risk of exposure because they were not in close contact with those who tested positive and added that Harris and her staff were fully vaccinated,” the AP reported.

However, Harris’ office said she went to Walter Reed Hospital for a “routine” medical appointment on Sunday.

Do you think Texas Democrats need to resign for not doing their jobs? Should they be forced to apologize for being COVID superspreaders? Let us know below!


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