Far-left Socialist candidate raises at least $80,000 after Hillary Clinton endorses her opponent

Former Clinton-supporter turned Bernie backer Nina Turner broke her own fundraising record after the former Secretary of State endorsed her opponent.

Far-left Congressional candidate Nina Turner, who was a major backer of Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020, should ask Clinton to continue to oppose her.

That’s because Turner “had her best fundraising day in the 12 hours that followed Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of her challenger,” the Washington Examiner reported. The Examiner said that she had almost 4,000 supporters donate an average of $22 to the campaign.

Clinton endorsed Shontel Brown, a Ohio city councilwoman. Turner is a former Ohio state senator and a former city council member.

The two are running to fill Congresswoman Marcia Fudge’s seat, after she left to serve as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

The major boost in fundraising support for Turner, a far left extremist socialist candidate, displays just how far the Democrat Party has moved to the left since Clinton’s 2016 Presidential run.

Do you think Clinton’s endorsement “helped?” Do you think Hillary Clinton should stay out of politics? Has the Democrat Party gone full socialist? Let us know your thoughts!


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