FAKE NEWS: Georgia 6th Congressional District Candidate Caught Spreading Lies About His Trump-Endorsed Opponent
Rich McCormick (Left), Jake Evans (Right)
Attacks are flying fast in Georgia with less than 3 weeks until voters make their choice in Georgia’s hotly contested 6th District Republican primary runoff.
President Trump’s endorsed candidate Jake Evans will face off against perennial candidate Rich McCormick on June 21st in a runoff election for Georgia’s 6th District. This is the second consecutive cycle Rich McCormick has run for Congress, in two separate districts. McCormick lost in 2020 to Democrat Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux while running in Georgia’s 7th District.
Evans is a political outsider with no prior campaign or political experience, which might explain the barrage of attacks Evans has faced from DC PACS supporting McCormick and even direct attacks from McCormick’s campaign which is funded mostly (75%) from out of state and Washington, DC.
The most recent attack from McCormick attempts to paint President Trump’s endorsed candidate Jake Evans as a “woke activist” who wants to “defund” the police. Their source? A college law paper published with Evans’ name on it from 10 years ago. Evans was a law student at the University of Georgia at the time the paper was written.
While playing loose with the facts, McCormick’s campaign referred to it as a “manifesto” akin to Karl Marx’s Communist playbook. The Marietta Daily Journal described the accusations from McCormick and his campaign as laughable adding that, “anyone who knows Evans can only chuckle at the thought of him being a woke progressive for simply writing an academic paper in law school 10 years ago.”
Evans has run the most conservative campaign in the 6th District, and is endorsed by a litany of America First figures including President Trump, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump Jr, Charlie Kirk, Sean Hannity and Secretary Mike Pompeo — the idea that they ALL would endorse a “woke activist” who wants to the defund the police is beyond ludicrous.
In addition, anyone who has taken the time to read the decade old law school paper can quickly determine that it’s not inspired by Marxism or anything woke, the paper never mentions anything about defunding the police either. In reality, it’s just another white paper written by a student trying to graduate from school from 10 years ago. What’s even more troubling, is the McCormick campaign has actually falsely attributed quotes to Evans that were citations in the paper from other figures and claimed they were his.
Misattributing quotes out of context from decades old papers, speeches, or interviews is normally a tactic embraced by liberals and their allies in the fake news media. Unfortunately, it looks like McCormick took a play from the Democrats and is attempting to trick voters and lie about his opponent, rather than run on his own ideas and principles.
The Patriots Gazette rates this claim from McCormick’s campaign as 100% FALSE and DISHONEST.