DHS Secretary Says It’s ‘Extraordinarily Disrespectful’ to Ask About Victims of Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said it is “extraordinarily disrespectful” to ask him about American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens during a recent House hearing.

The House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing on Wednesday where Congresswoman Kat Cammack (R-FL) asked DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about the victims of crimes committed by illegal migrants.

Rep Cammack specifically brought up the tragic case of Amber Scott (19), a high school cheerleader from Colorado, who was kidnapped at knifepoint in 2006 by Pedro Martinez(25), an illegal migrant.

Pedro Martinez was previously deported back to Mexico after 3 felony convictions, but he would later return. Martinez was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in May 2007.

“How many more Ambers have to be kidnapped across America before you will take action?” Congressman Cammack asked the DHS secretary in the hearing.

Secretary Mayorkas would respond calling the question “extraordinarily disrespectful.”

Congresswoman Cammack tweeted out the exchange later blasting the DHS Secretary.

“Sec. Mayorkas called one of my questions "extraordinarily disrespectful" when I mentioned a classmate's kidnapping at the hands of an illegal immigrant. What I find disrespectful is the crisis at the border due to POTUS’ executive order.”

The brief exchange between the Congresswoman and DHS Secretary is shared below in text form:

REP CAMMACK: I’m from a small town out West, and the month before I was supposed to graduate high school, which was 2006, one of my classmates was kidnapped by an illegal who had been deported multiple times. And I think when you have policies that incentivize folks to come over illegally, and we don’t have the proper mechanisms in place to protect our borders … that kind of impact has resounding effects. So my question to you, her name was Amber Scott the young lady who was kidnapped by this illegal criminal how many more Ambers have to be kidnapped across America before you will take action?

DHS SEC MAYORKAS: Congresswoman, I find that question to be extraordinarily disrespectful. Disrespectful not only to me, but disrespectful to the men and women of Homeland Security and to all the frontline personnel throughout this country who dedicate themselves to the safety and security of the American people.

REP CAMMACK: I’m sorry that you feel that way. I’m sure the American people feel very disrespected about the border situation we’re facing right now.

Do you support Representative Cammack asking the question? Do you believe the DHS Secretary was out of line to call the question disrespectful? Is there a crisis at the border? Comment your thoughts below!


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