Dem Senator Richard Blumenthal BLASTS Biden for not doing enough to rescue Americans

Senator Richard Blumenthal has often led dishonest attacks on Trump’s judicial nominees, but even Biden’s ineptitude is too much for him.

Far-left Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal ripped into President Joe Biden for leaving Americans and “Afghan allies” stranded in Afghanistan.

“I have been deeply frustrated, even furious, at our government’s delay & inaction. There will be plenty of time to seek accountability for the inexcusable bureaucratic red tape that stranded so many of our Afghan allies,” the Connecticut Democrat wrote recently on Twitter.

He said his staff has been working overtime to try to rescue Americans stranded after Biden’s disastrous pullout.

My staff & I have worked night & day to secure the safe passage of two planes waiting in Mazar-e Sharif to take American citizens, at-risk Afghan allies, & their families to safety,” Blumenthal said.

“This is really … turning into a hostage situation where they’re [the Taliban] not going to allow American citizens to leave until they get full recognition from the United States of America,” Republican Congressman Michael McCaul recently warned, according to the Daily Wire.

Meanwhile, Biden’s approval ratings tank, as voters question his competency to lead this country.

A recent USA Today survey found “only 26% approved of Biden's handling of the withdrawal.”

Do you think Biden has botched the pullout from Afghanistan? Do you think he needs to apologize to our troops and all Americans? Let us know below!


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