Computer Repairman Sues Twitter For $500 Million Over Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The Delaware computer repair shop owner who went public with the contents of the Hunter Biden hard drive is now reportedly suing Twitter for defamation, claiming they unfairly labeled him a hacker.

John Paul Mac Isaac, the repair shop owner, is asking for $500 million in damages along with a retraction.

In October of 2020 the New York Post reported on the damaging Biden documents, and in the immediate release of those documents Twitter restricted the content claiming the reporting relied on, “hacked materials.”

A report from The Verge claims Isaac is now suing Twitter for defamation stating that Twitter decided to, “communicate to the world that [Mac Isaac] is a hacker.”

Isaac is alleging his business received threats and negative online reviews after Twitter’s decision and is seeking $500 million in damages along with a public retraction.

To this day Isaac claims the customer who brought in the laptop for repair never paid for the service or retrieved it, even after repeated attempts to contact them.

Isaac provided a copy of the laptop contents to the FBI as well as Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer. Giuliani would later provide the information to the New York Post.

"To imply that I'm a hacker or that information is hacked has an irreversible impact on my business and my character," said Mac Isaac in a video he released in December.

Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey admitted in a late October Senate hearing that their censoring of the article was in fact a mistake.

Federal authorities are now reportedly investigating Hunter Biden for potentially violating tax and money laundering laws.


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