CNN fires three unvaccinated employees

The liberal news giant still employs Jeffrey Toobin, who was briefly suspended after exposing himself to his colleagues on Zoom.

CNN has fired three employees who chose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

“Let me be clear — we have a zero tolerance policy on this,” Jeff Zucker, the chief of CNN, said in a memo. He was referring to the choice not to take the COVID vaccine, not masturbating on camera in front of peers, as CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin did. Toobin is still employed the liberal network and continues to make appearances.

“The memo was obtained by The Associated Press after its contents were first tweeted by CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy. CNN offered no details on the firings, or where the employees were based,” the Associated Press reported.

“In the past week, we have been made aware of three employees who were coming to the office unvaccinated. All three have been terminated,” Zucker also said, according to the New York Post.

Do you think CNN should be sued for this? Does Toobin need to get fired instead? Share your thoughts below!


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