Chris Wallace Tries to Claim Republicans Favor Defunding Police

Fox News analyst and host Chris Wallace took aim at Republican Congressman Jim Banks (IN) on Sunday morning.

Wallace, who is a registered Democrat, accused Republican members of Congress of defunding police departments across America on Sunday morning while interviewing Republican Congressman Jim Banks.

Wallace unfairly attacked Banks for voting against the American Rescue Plan that would have provided $350 billion to law enforcement. Wallace ignored the other costs associated with this plan that would have far exceeded the $350 billion price tag.

“Can’t you make the argument that it’s you and the Republicans who defunded the police?” Wallace asked Banks.

“Not at all, Chris. Let’s go back and look at the record over the last year, the comments that Democrats have made to Rashida Tlaib,” Banks stated.

Wallace rudely interrupted and absurdly refused to let Banks finish his comments.

“I’ve heard your point about the last year,” the longtime registered Democrat Fox host said. “But you and every other Republican voted against this $350 billion.” 

Watch the Wallace interview shared below.

Conservative commentator Tim Young blasted Wallace accusing him of peddling lie and DNC spin.

Banks continued blasting Omar and the left for demonizing police, "You can give them more funding, and that's good, but if they can't recruit people to become a police officer because we've stigmatized one of the most honorable professions in America, than we are at a dangerous point..."

Conservative New York Times best-selling author Brigitte Gabriel blasted Wallace using President Trump’s favorite characterization of Wallace.

Do you think Chris Wallace is a bad journalist? Do you think he is unfairly harsh on conservatives? Comment your thoughts below!


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