Chicago Mayor Says Her Critics Are Sexist and Racist

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who is a black woman, blamed sexism and racism for “99%” of the criticism she receives.

As black kids get murdered left and right and businesses shutter in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot says criticism of her record is “99%” motivated by sexism and racism.

Lightfoot, who is facing a federal lawsuit for her own racist policy, made the comments when asked by a “journalist” if those two isms were behind the criticism of her record.

“How much of this do you think might have to do with the fact that you are a woman and specifically a black woman?” Phil Ponce, a reporter with a local taxpayer-funded PBS affiliate, asked Lightfoot recently.

“About 99% of it,” Lightfoot said. She then went on to undermine her own point, by pointing out that the media had also criticized her two immediate predecessors, Rahm Emanuel, who is Jewish, and Richard Daley, who is white. 

“Did people say that Rich Daley held tea sessions with people that he didn’t disagree on? Rahm Emanuel was a polite guy who was a uniter? No. Women and people of color are always held to a different standard. I’ve known that my whole life,” Lightfoot said, undermining her argument that she is being criticized only because of her race and gender.

Lightfoot is also the city’s first LGBT mayor but surprisingly opted not to blame homophobia for criticism of her record.

Do you think Lori Lightfoot needs to admit her administration is a total disaster? Do you think she’s being criticized because she’s bad at her job? Let us know below!

Photo credit: ABC News/YouTube


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