Catholic Church in Colorado Vandalized By Left-wing Activists

Left-wing activists and criminals continue to carry out violence and vandalism against peaceful people with differing viewpoints.

Advocates for abortion recently vandalized a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado.

Leftists often resort to violence to carry out their political goals -- the definition of domestic terrorism.

“In the early hours of the morning, our parish was vandalized by a group of individuals,” a staff member for Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic church, wrote in an email on Wednesday.

The leftists wrote slogans like “Bans off our bodies’ and “Hands off my uterus.”

The criminal activists also vandalized a display of crosses that the church had installed to commemorate lives lost to abortion. The parish also reportedly runs a free pregnancy resource center to support pregnant women.

Sadly, leftist activists often turn to violence or vandalism to promote their views.

For example, Students for Life of America has logged hundreds of examples of violence against their pro-life displays, just on high school and college campuses.

Should the vandals be charged and held accountable? Do you think the criminals should have to pay massive fines? Let us know below!


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