California lost 1% of its population in 2021 as residents fled for other states

Governor Gavin Newsom has presided over government lockdowns and left-wing social policies, now it appears over 367,000 residents fled the state in 2021.

367,000 Californians have left the far-left state California, potentially due to high taxes, crime, government lockdowns, and the rising cost of living.

“California lost one percent of its population over the last year as residents fled for other states, the United States Census Bureau revealed this week,” Breitbart reported.

While California’s population stands at more than 39.5 million, a record high, the state lost more than 367,000 residents over the last year. The state’s population decline is among the largest in the nation,” Breitbart reported.

Best-Selling Author Brigitte Gabriel, tweeted about how residents are leaving deep blue crime-ridden states like New York and California. Like Brigitte, longtime residents of red states hope these new residents from blue states do not bring their socialist politics with them.

Californians have been fleeing the state to search for affordable housing for years now with a significant percentage of them going to Texas, Arizona, Nevada and even sometimes Florida.

Do you know anyone fleeing California? Do you think Texas and Florida are the places to go? Let us know below!


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