Caitlyn Jenner Comes Out In Favor of Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants in California

The Republican candidate wants to give amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Republican California gubernatorial candidate Caitlyn Jenner wants to give citizenship to illegal immigrants in the state.

California has a documented issue with illegal immigrants who regularly commit crimes and take welfare payments.

 “The former Olympic athlete turned transgender activist announced the policy position during an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, which is set to air Monday night.”

Jenner reportedly said in the interview that she supported California’s 1.75 million (reported) illegal immigrants being given citizenship.

“Absolutely. Yeah, [illegal immigrants] should [have a chance to get citizenship]” Jenner said.

While California welcomes illegal immigrants to the state, American citizens are often left living homeless in tent cities.

Do you trust Jenner to push for conservative principles? Would Jenner be better than Gavin Newsom? Share your thoughts below!


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