BUSTED: Biden caught mask-less inside Nantucket store

Biden is once again proving he believes in “Rules for thee, but not for me!”

President Joe Biden promised while running in 2020 that if everyone would just wear a mask COVID could be defeated.

But he recently went maskless despite being in a store that requires one.

Breitbart reported:

Photos and reports reveal Biden brazenly disregarded a mask directive at the Murray’s Toggery Shop in Nantucket. Ignoring the store’s large “Required Face Covering” sign on the door compelling customers to don masks upon entrance, the commander-in-chief strolled right in.

Biden not only defied the store’s policy but also Nantucket’s mask mandate. On November 18, the city reinstated the requirement because Nantucket’s coronavirus positivity rate reached the 69th percentile among nearby cities.

The president and his wife were previously caught ignoring an indoor mask mandate, as reported by the New York Post.

Do you think Biden needs to focus on the skyrocketing inflation instead of COVID? Do you think he needs to apologize for breaking the rules? Let us know below!


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