BREAKING: Failed 2020 Candidate Carpetbagging to Georgia’s 6th District to Run For Congress

Rich McCormick has been running for Congress for 29 consecutive months, all previously in Georgia’s 7th District, now it looks like he will be running in the 6th District.

The move to “carpetbag” to Georgia’s 6th District has been criticized heavily by local conservatives within the district who are seeking a strong conservative candidate to represent them.

Rich McCormick is the only Congressional candidate in the nation to lose a Republican incumbent seat in 2020, a fact that many people claim proves he is not capable of leading a successful campaign in 2022.

While McCormick has been fundraising and seeking political endorsements with the claim he was running for Congress in the wide open GA-7 District against Democrat Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux, it appears the carpetbagging politician was actually planning to switch to the crowded GA-6 race all along.

Will Rich McCormick be returning donations from constituents who believed he was running in GA-7 just a few weeks ago? The Patriots Gazette reached out to the McCormick Campaign for comment but did not hear back before publication.

McCormick raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and garnered media attention with the claim that he was running in GA-7 against the Democrat incumbent Carolyn Bourdeaux.

Below McCormick can be seen attacking Bourdeaux on Twitter to earn political points.

Now, McCormick will be entering a hotly contested primary in the solid red Republican Georgia 6th Congressional District, even though he lives nowhere near the district.

It appears Rich McCormick is desperate enough to get elected to Congress, that he will mislead donors and supporters for months only to run for a seat he lives nowhere near.

Reports have also surfaced in the past showing that McCormick did not vote for President Trump in the 2016 Elections. The records indicate that McCormick did not vote in the 2016 Election at all, was it because he didn’t support President Trump?

Also running in Georgia’s 6th District is America First Candidate Jake Evans, Establishment RINO Meagan Hanson, and Activist Mallory Staples.

Do you think Congressional candidates like Rich McCormick should be able to carpetbag from district to district? Should McCormick return his donations raised for GA-7 back to the donors? Why do you think McCormick decided to NOT vote for President Trump in 2016? Comment your thoughts below!


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