Border patrol apprehends 20,000 illegal migrants in just one location in a single week

The continued surge in immigration comes as Senate Democrats float amnesty.

Border patrol agents in the Rio Valley Grande recently announced the apprehension of 20,000 illegal migrants in just one place in one week.

“Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 20,000 migrants in one week,” Breitbart reported. “The number of migrants illegally crossing the border continues to escalate even as the hottest part of the Texas summer approaches.”

The conservative news site further noted:

Hastings’ announcement follows reports from U.S. Customs and Border Protection showing the apprehension of more than 1 million migrants in the first nine months of this fiscal year. The report reveals that 331,661 of the 1,076,242 migrant apprehensions occurred in the Rio Grande Valley Sector.

Migrant apprehensions in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, the nation’s busiest sector, jumped more than 460 percent over the previous year’s report of 59,083. The largest percentage of apprehensions were of citizens of Honduras (128,675), Guatemala (72,736), Mexico (62,682), and Honduras (43,350) the report states.

The issue is likely to get worse, as Senate Democrats have floated the idea of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, encouraging more people to come here without authorization.

Do you think Biden needs to get tough on the border? Do we need a complete shutdown of immigration until we sort things out? Let us know your thoughts below!


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