Black Republican Congressman Byron Donalds Denied Entry to Black Caucus

The Congressional Black Caucus is violating its supposed support for equality by prohibiting a conservative black Republican from joining.

The Congressional Black Caucus has forbidden a conservative black Republican from joining, apparently because he does not embrace its far-left, anti-police, pro-big government view.

“GOP Rep. Byron Donalds says that he's being blocked from joining the Congressional Black Caucus,” Business Insider reported, based on media reports.

BuzzFeed News spoke to sources with knowledge of the situation who appeared to confirm Donalds’ comments and fears.

An unnamed spokesperson appeared to agree that Donalds is being blocked.

“The Congressional Black Caucus remains committed to fighting for issues that support Black communities, including the police accountability bill, protecting voting rights, and a jobs bill that helps our communities," the unnamed spokesperson said. "We will work with those who share our values and priorities for the constituents we serve."

The denial raises questions if the CBC is too focused on promoting a singular, socialist agenda. In the past, it has allowed Republicans like Allen West to join. But as “The Squad” pushes the Democratic Party to demonize Republicans and push for a complete government takeover of the economy, the CBC may feel pressured to stick to a partisan agenda.

Do you think Byron Donalds should sue the CBC? Do you think the CBC is practicing the same discrimination they claim to despise? Let us know what you think below!


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