Biden Will ‘Decimate’ American Energy and Enrich Foreign Enemies, Former State Department Official Warns

A former State Department official recently warned that President Biden’s will harm American consumers with minimal environmental benefit.

Everyone wants clean air and affordable energy, but the White House’s anti-energy policies are going to harm average Americans, Catharine O’Neill recently warned.

Biden’s “proposed policies will decimate the American energy industry and ensure that much more of the world’s energy needs will be met by foreign adversaries,” O’Neill, a State Department official under President Trump, wrote in a recent column for Newsmax.

Furthermore, the president’s actions will ensure that enemies of freedom, including Russia and China, will make money.

“Joe Biden’s leftist cabal will ensure that U.S. energy suppliers are stifled at every corner, increasing the world’s dependence on our not-so-neighborly trading partners in the [Middle East] and Russia,” O’Neill said.

“Oil wells and pipelines that don’t make it into the ground in America will be drilled in other countries where environmental protection and human rights aren’t even an afterthought,” she warned.”

President Biden’s energy policies have come under criticism from labor groups and political leaders.

Labor union officials criticized Biden for killing tens of thousands of jobs by revoking Keystone XL pipelines, according to 2 KUTV.

“The move to scrap construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline could directly eliminate an estimated 11,000 jobs and affect another 60,000,” the Epoch Times reported in February.

Do you trust Biden to keep energy prices low? Do you think China or Russia has our best interests at heart? Tell us below!


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