Biden Secret Service Reportedly Arrest Illegal Immigrant Protestors Outside White House

The Biden administration has largely given illegal immigrants a free pass to roam the country and settle wherever they want. But officials had them arrested when they began to protest outside of the White House.

The Biden Administration has flown illegal immigrants across the country, ensuring that U.S. taxpayers have to pay for their welfare and healthcare.

But once those illegal immigrants got too close to the White House, the administration actually cracked down.

“A group of illegal aliens and open borders activists were arrested on Friday by members of President Joe Biden’s secret service,” Breitbart reported.

This happened “after blocking an intersection near the White House, demanding that Biden give them amnesty to permanently stay in the United States.”

The illegal immigrants “chanted in Spanish, demanding ‘permanent protect[ions] for all 11 million’ illegal aliens living in U.S.”

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants continue to flood the country and are even rewarded with taxpayer dollars.

Do we need a complete shutdown of illegal immigration? Should Biden admit he has failed on immigration? Share your thoughts below!


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