Biden Reenters Paris Climate Agreement His First Day In Office

President Joe Biden wasted no time reinstituting the policies Obama had in place while in office and immediately reentered the Paris Climate Agreement, the same agreement that Trump withdrew from in 2017.

“I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the Paris Agreement, done at Paris on December 12, 2015, do hereby accept the said Agreement and every article and clause thereof on behalf of the United States of America,” read a statement the White House released.

During the campaign, Biden had said that climate change was the greatest threat to the United States behind Coronavirus and swift action must be taken to reverse the changes of global warming. Among the many climate actions Biden plans to take is to cease work on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Another climate issue that Biden and Harris had continuously talked about on the campaign trail was the banning of fracking, which would absolutely destroy America’s energy sector and energy independence.

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